Roeh Art
Guest Artist
One of the things I really wanted to do with my website was to offer a 'gallery space' to other artists who create original fine art and whose work deserved to be seen by a wider audience. Not all of them have work for sale, some give their work as gifts or donate it to raise money for great causes, but whatever they do with their work, it brings pleasure to those who do get to see it and that's a pleasure I'm delighted to share on here.
One of those whose work has raised money for a variety of projects and brought pleasure to many is:

Bob Oliver
I first heard about Bob's art through my son. We were walking along a north Norfolk beach looking for 'interesting stones' and he told me about a man in his church who painted on stones and sold them to raise money for local church projects. For the rest of the holiday stones of the right size and shape, became known as 'Bob's'!
I was later bought one of these painted stones - a rather pretty owl, which I still love - as a present, but soon discovered this was just the tip of an iceberg when it came to Bob's art.
Over the years, Bob, who describes himself as husband, father, ex-head teacher and local church leader, has painted everything from tiny mixed media harbour scenes (sold to raise money for mission work), to murals. He has also taken on commissions from design work to book illustration. All of this has been undertaken alongside a busy career in education and helping to lead a local church.

"I enjoy observing what's around me."
He has sketched since childhood and even now almost always has a sketchbook on him, because it helps him notice things whilst walking, sitting, thinking or writing. He takes inspiration from everything he sees around him taking photos and sketching views that appeal to him.
I'm inspired by walking through life.

A Walk in the Woods
Acrylic on canvas 25cm x 25cm
Whilst it's clear that sketching is what gives him most pleasure, he also works in acrylics and watercolour to produce landscapes populated with the people he knows and loves.
Of those shown here, I think 'A Walk in the Woods' which catches a moment between a father and son whilst on a sunny, woodland walk is my favourite. The man's face is turned towards the boy, and I find myself wondering what they talk about as they walk together.
Sadly, he has no pieces for sale at present, but I hope you will enjoy these examples of his work on here.